New Drop Alert

New Drop Alert

We usually get distracted by others accomplishments, trying to keep up or slow down. Yet running your own race the one thats destined for you

  1. Make sure you subscribe to our emails 
  2. DM to make a purchase. PREORDERS ONLY
  3. Preorders start TODAY NOVEMBER 1st-8th 6pm CT. All Jumpsuits 100$
  4. That will give 1-2 days to collect everybody size, color and payment.
  5. Sunday I will collect and finalize all payments and give order to my manufacturer, that will be 1-2 weeks or working.
  6. Once order shipped and receive by me I’ll be sending you a confirmation that your order is ready to be shipped off or local pick up!!
  7. Hope to see you return for the next drop thanks for being apart of this journey!! 
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